Having talked about the basic checks that you can perform on your vehicle yourself in my last blog, I wanted to tell you all a bit more about the things we professionals do when we’re giving your car a service.
In a full standard service – the kind you should make sure your car gets once a year – we will check and test a wide variety of safety features before we even get under the bonnet. We will look at features such as seatbelts, important warning lights on the dash, and while we’re at it we’ll make sure your wipers are working smoothly and replace the blades if necessary. We will even oil the door hinges, locks, and bonnet catches.
Once the bonnet is up, we will look at features such as the cooling system, fan and auxiliary drive belts. We will make sure your brake fluid is up to scratch and that your anti freeze is working. We will also look at the throttle body, power steering system and the battery, cleaning, lubricating and topping up as required. We will also check and may replace filters and spark plugs.
Then the car is raised so we can change the oil, fitting a new filter and sump plug washer while we’re at it. With the car elevated, that’s the time to check the fuel lines and brake pipes, as well as the exhaust. We will also check and top up the gear box oil, and carry out a number of checks on the wheels and brakes, including a full brake report.
Once back on the ground, and having carried out many other tests I haven’t got space here to mention, we will give the car a test drive. To make sure everything is running smoothly – as it should be after a thorough service.
Of course, there are a few things you can do to help ensure your vehicle gets the most out of its time with the professionals.
Here is a quick list of things you can do to help us, and get the most out of your service with EDINBURGH CAR SERVICES:
- Tell us about any work you think might need doing, or problems you have noticed.
- Bring your vehicle’s service record book, and leave us a telephone number we an contact you on during the day should we have any questions.
- Make sure we have the locking wheel nut for your alloys.
- Let us know at the start if there is any other work you would like doing – we should be able to give you a quote in advance and you could save money.
Everyone likes the way a car feels and drives after a service, and if you have an older vehicle it can be a relief to get those annoying noises and niggles sorted out. So don’t skimp on servicing – treat your car, and treat yourself. It will save you money in the long run.